Criminal Defense Law Firm in Cincinnati

The first step in defending yourself against any criminal charge is getting a lawyer. Even a misdemeanor can negatively impact your life and lead to difficulties finding employment, keeping custody of children, or losing your home. It’s important to hire an attorney who can gather exculpatory evidence and work tirelessly to dismiss the case or minimize the charges against you.

What is the opposite of a criminal defense lawyer?

Felonies are serious offenses that carry harsh penalties. The legal defense by MM Defense Law of punishment varies according to the level of felony, which includes first-, second-, third-, and fourth-degree offenses as well as murder. A Cincinnati criminal defense law firm can help you build a strong defense to fight these accusations.

The Mallory Firm is a legal practice that defends clients in the Cincinnati area against criminal matters. It takes on cases that involve domestic violence, weapon offenses, drug possession and trafficking, sex crimes, murder, and more. It also handles appeals, expungement of records, and DUI/OVI cases. Attorney Jodie Drees Ganote is licensed to practice in Ohio and Kentucky.

Southard Law Firm offers legal advocacy to individuals accused of a wide range of offenses, including misdemeanors and felony charges. It aims to protect the rights of clients from the time of their arrest and negotiate with prosecutors on their behalf, trying to get charges reduced or dismissed whenever possible. It has experience in sex crime allegations, as well as robbery and burglary cases. It is affiliated with the Volunteer Lawyers for the Poor Foundation.

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