If you’ve ever looked at a set of lockpicking tools, you’ll have noticed that there is a lot of variety in the types of picks and rakes. Each pick serves a different purpose and each is useful for particular situations. Having a good understanding of the different picks is crucial to being able to open a lock.
The standard short lockpicking tool is one of the most important picks in a lock picking kit. The short hook is a versatile and maneuverable tool that can be used to pick pins in a variety of ways. It is possible to use the short hook to single out individual pins, allowing you to apply pressure to each pin individually until it pops. A popular variant on the short hook is the gem, which adds a small pointy tip to the end of the pick for more maneuverability.
Unlocking the Mystery: Exploring Lockpicking Sets and Tools for Enthusiasts and Beginners
Another common pick is the half-diamond, which is found in nearly all sets. Half-diamond picks are very versatile and can be used to both pick individual pins, as well as rake. Raking is a method of picking in which the pick moves quickly over the pins to set them, rather than picking each individual pin. This can be a faster way to pick locks, but it can also cause damage to the lock. Advanced rake picks are available which are shaped to mimic various pin height key positions.
Using the tension wrench and the picks correctly is the best way to open a lock. Don’t force your tools – this can break them or damage the lock. Instead, err on the side of too little force to avoid accidentally breaking a pin or ruining the lock.